. . . contact information
You can find us at the intersection of streets Toužimská and Ašská in Prague 9-Letňany

GPS 50°8'12.89"N; 14°31'5.16"E
The track and restaurant phone
: +420 776 648 189 only in opening hours
The track and restaurant Skype
: motokary-praha Skype status
Booking and technical questions +420 777 311 856 Plese call only from 10:00 - 20:00
WEB : www.praguekartingarena.com
E-mail : info@praguekartingarena.com

Post address only



Motokáry PRAHA
Beranových 65 - Hala 51
199 02 Praha 9

The entrance is from the intersection of the street Toužimska and Ašská

Atention !
Operated by :

InfoSite, s.r.o.

Seat of the company : Štíbrova 1215/14, Praha 8, 182 00
Company identification number : 25797930
European VAT number : CZ-25797930
Compaqny registered at : 1st. City court in Prague under mark: C 71195
Motokáry Praha